If you need to search for unclaimed property or check your claim status, access the information through the Delaware Office of Unclaimed Property's website.
Last Reviewed: 7/2/21
Legal Help Link
Call for help with all landlord-tenant problems
(302) 478-8850
(800) 773-0606
Legal Services Corporation of Delaware, Inc.
Dover: (302) 734-8820
Wilmington & Sussex County: (302) 575-0408
Community Legal Aid Society, Inc.
What is evidence? What are the Rules of Evidence? What makes evidence admissible? These and more answered here.
Contributed by: JP Court
Last Reviewed: 7/2/21
Know the Law So You Don't Make These Mistakes Too!
A contract does not need to be in writing to be enforceable under the law. If you promise to buy something and someone else promises to sell it to you, you may have just made a contract. Your promise is the same as signing your name to a contract. This includes renting apartments.
American Red Cross-Delmarva Peninsula
Delaware Help Line (A free online service which provides information on state government agencies and referrals to community resources)
Delaware State Housing Authority
Attorney General, State of Delaware
Court of Chancery
Court of Common Pleas
Delaware Courts - Home Page
Landlord Tenant
CDC Eviction Moratorium ResourcesContributed by: Centers for Disease Control
JP Court Complaint for Return of Security DepositContributed by: LawHelp Interactive